Social Media Policy


This Social Media Policy outlines the guidelines and expectations for therapists and staff when using social media platforms in both their personal and professional capacities. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all social media interactions align with our values, maintain client confidentiality, and uphold the reputation and integrity of our therapy practice.

1. Separation of Personal and Professional Accounts:

Therapists and staff members are encouraged to maintain separate personal and professional social media accounts. Personal accounts should not be used to represent the therapy practice, and professional accounts should adhere to the guidelines outlined in this policy.

2. Protecting Client Confidentiality:

Under no circumstances should therapists or staff members share any information that could potentially identify clients or reveal details about their therapy sessions on social media. Client confidentiality is of utmost importance, and it must be upheld at all times, both online and offline.

3. No Therapeutic Relationships on Social Media:

Therapists and staff members shall not engage in any form of therapeutic relationship with current or former clients through social media platforms. This includes providing therapeutic advice, responding to clinical questions, or engaging in any communication that may blur the professional boundaries of the therapeutic relationship.

4. Respectful and Professional Conduct:

All social media interactions must be conducted in a respectful and professional manner. Therapists and staff members should avoid engaging in arguments, offensive language, or any behavior that may reflect negatively on the therapy practice.

5. Social Media Recommendations and Endorsements:

Therapists and staff members are prohibited from using social media platforms to endorse or promote any products, services, or organizations unless explicitly authorized by

6. Discretion in Sharing Personal Opinions:

While therapists and staff members have the right to express personal opinions on social media, they must do so with discretion. It should be clear that their opinions are their own and not representative of the therapy practice.

7. Monitoring of Online Presence: may periodically monitor the social media presence of therapists and staff members to ensure compliance with this policy and to protect the reputation and integrity of the therapy practice.

8. Reporting of Concerns:

Therapists and staff members are encouraged to report any concerns or potential violations of this policy to the appropriate supervisor or management.

9. Consequences of Policy Violations:

Violations of this Social Media Policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or contract.


By following this Social Media Policy, therapists and staff members can contribute to maintaining a positive and professional online presence that aligns with the values and standards of . Upholding the privacy and confidentiality of our clients and ensuring the integrity of our therapy practice are essential priorities in all online interactions.